Pre-Calculus 11
ALL daily homework must be complete before
the student receives a grade for their test
Please install the GEOGEBRA graphing calculator app
or DESMOS TEST MODE app on your phone
Block 2-1 June 16 (including 30 minutes extra);
Block 2-4 June 18 (including 30 minutes extra);
A practice final I found online: (https://tinyurl.com/y6ev6r7m)
KEY: (https://tinyurl.com/y5c8xuxq)
Sample Numeracy Assessment
Chapter 8 and Chapter 9 will be combined with one Unit test.
Chapter 8&9 - Solving Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Chapter 8 and 9 will be NON-Calculator
Please write section headings "Practice", "Apply/Extend", and "Create Connections" CLEARLY in your HW
8.1 Solving Systems of Equations Graphically (Feb 27 - Mar 6)
Assigned: Pages 435-439: #1-5 at least 2 letters each from Practice (P) section;
at least 6 from Apply/Extend (A/E) section and #15;
at least 1 question from Create Connections (C) section
Jack-O-Lantern puzzle
​8.2 Solving Systems of Equations Algebraically (Mar 10/12)
Assigned: Pages 451-455: #1-5 at least 2 letters each from Practice (P) section;
at least 5 from Apply/Extend (A/E) section and #20;
at least 1 question from Create Connections (C) section
9.1 Linear Inequalities in Two Variables (April 14 to 16) Helpful links: (link1)(link2)
Assigned: Pages 472-475: #1-5 at least 2 letters each from Practice (P) section;
at least 5 from Apply/Extend (A/E) section;
at least 1 question from Create Connections (C) section
9.2 Quadratic Inequalities in One Variable (April 17 to 21) (helpful link)
Assigned: Pages 484-487: #1-5 at least 2 letters each from Practice (P) section;
at least 4 from Apply/Extend (A/E) section;
at least 1 question from Create Connections (C) section
9.3 Quadratic Inequalities in Two Variables (April 22 to 24)
Assigned: Pages 496-500: #1-5 at least 2 letters each from Practice (P) section;
at least 3 from Apply/Extend (A/E) section;
at least 1 question from Create Connections (C) section
Solving Systems of Equations and Inequalities Review (April 27 to 30)
Assigned: Pages 457-458 8.1 # 2, 3, 5ac, 6, 7
8.2 # 9, 10, 11
Pages 501-503 9.1 # 1, 2, 4
9.2 # 6-7 (bd); 9, 10
9.3 # 11, 12, 13, 16
Students should complete the Practice Test as part of their preparation for the Test.
Solving Systems of Equations and Inequalities Test on ???
Chapter 1 - Sequences and Series <- CEMC Waterloo video lessons
Chapter 1 is a NON-Graphing Calculator unit
Please write section headings "Practice", "Apply/Extend", and "Create Connections" CLEARLY in your HW
1.1 Arithmetic Sequences (CEMC lesson) (May 13 to 20)
Assigned: Pages 16-21: # 1-6 (at least two letters from each) from Practice section;
at least 7 from A/E section (1 from extend);
Arithmetic Sequences Puzzles
1.2 Arithmetic Series (CEMC lesson) (May 20 to May 27)
Assigned: Pages 27-31: # 1-6 (at least two letters from each) from Practice section;
at least 7 from A/E section (1 from extend);
at least 1 from C/C section
1.3 Geometric Sequences (CEMC lesson) (May 27 to June 3)
Assigned: Pages 39-45: # 1-5 (at least one letter from each) from Practice section;
at least 7 from A/E section (at least two above 15);
at least 1 from C/C section
1.4 Geometric Series (CEMC lesson) (June 3 to to 9)
Assigned: Pages 53-57: at least 5 from Practice section;
at least 4 from A/E section (1 from extend);
#22 from C/C section
1.5 Infinite Geometric Series (CEMC lesson) (June 9 to 16)
Assigned: Pages 63-65: # 1-5 (at least one letter from each) from Practice section;
at least 7 from A/E section (at least two above 13);
#22 from C/C section
Sequences and Series Review
Assigned: Pages 66-68 1.1 # 1, 2ac, 3ac, 5, 6
1.2 # 7ac, 9, 10
1.3 # 12, 13, 14
1.4 # 17ac, 18
1.5 # 19, 20, 21, 22
Students should complete the Practice Test as part of their preparation for the Test.
Sequences and Series Test - May 25 to 29 ???
Chapter 7 - Absolute Value and Reciprocal Functions
Chapter 7 is a NON-Calculator unit
Please write section headings "Practice", "Apply/Extend", and "Create Connections" CLEARLY in your HW
7.1 Introduction to Absolute Value (Jan 31)
Assigned: Pages 363-367: at least 5 from Practice (P) section;
at least 6 from Apply/Extend (A/E) section;
at least 1 question from Create Connections (C) section
7.2 Absolute Value Functions (Feb 4))
Assigned: Pages 375-379: # 1-10 (at least two letters from each);
# 11 from Practice (P) section;
at least 5 from Apply/Extend (A/E) section;
at least 1 question from Create Connections (C) section
7.3 Solving Absolute Value Equations (Feb 6/12)
Assigned: Pages 389-391: #1-6 (at least two letters from each) Practice section;
at least 8 from Apply/Extend (A/E) section;
at least 1 question from Create Connections (C) section
7.4 Reciprocal Functions - Reciprocal Functions from UWaterloo (Feb 18-21)
Assigned: Pages 403-409: # 1-8 (at least two letters from each);
# 9 from Practice (P) section;
at least 5 from Apply/Extend (A/E) section;
at least 1 question from Create Connections (C) section
Absolute Value and Reciprocal Function Review - Feb 25
Assigned: Pages 413-414 7.1 # 2, 3, 5
7.2 # 6, 8, 9, 10
7.3 # 11, 12, 13, 14
7.4 # 15, 16, 17, 18
Students should complete the Practice Test as part of their preparation for the Test.
Absolute Value and Reciprocal Unit Test on March 4
Chapter 6 - Rational Expressions and Equations
Chapter 6 is a NON-Calculator unit
Please write section headings "Practice", "Apply/Extend", and "Create Connections" CLEARLY in your HW
6.1 Simplifying Rational Expressions (Jan 7/9)
Assigned: Part 1 - Pages 317-321: at least 3 from Practice section # 1 - 7;
do # 22 from Apply/Extend section
Part 2 - Pages 317-321: do # 8 bcdf from Practice section;
at least 8 from Apply/Extend section;
at least 1 question from Create Connections section
6.2 Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions (Jan 13)
Assigned: Pages 327-330: at least 5 from Practice section;
at least 6 from Apply/Extend section;
at least 1 question from Create Connections section
6.3 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions (Jan 15)
Assigned: Pages 336-340: Puzzle 117
at least 3 from Practice section;
at least 8 from Apply/Extend section;
at least 2 question from Create Connections section
Extra Practice - Puzzle 122
6.4 Solving Rational Equations (Jan 21/23)
Assigned: Part 1 - Pages 348-351: Do # 1-3 (2 letters from each) from Practice;
at least 2 from Apply/Extend section - # 5, 6, or 7;
Do # 11 from Apply/Extend section;
Do # 24 from Create Connections section;
Part 2 - Pages 348-351: at least 6 from Apply/Extend section - #12-20;
Do # 23 from Apply/Extend section;
Do # 27 from Create Connections section;
Suggested Rational Expressions and Equations Review (Jan 27)
Assigned: Pages 352-354 6.1 # 3, 4bc, 5ab, 6b (i, ii, iii), 7
6.2 # 9abdf, 10abdf, 11bd, 12
6.3 # 14ac, 15abdf; Extension 14e, 16, 18
6.4 # 20, 22, 23(calc); Extension 21(calc)
Students should complete the Practice Test as part of their preparation for the Test.
Rational Expressions and Equations Unit Test on Feb 10
Chapter 5 - Radical Expressions and Equations
Chapter 5 is a NON-Calculator unit
Please write section headings "Practice", "Apply/Extend", and "Create Connections" CLEARLY in your HW
5.1 Working with Radicals (Dec 2/4)
Assigned: Pages 278-281: Practice section #1-10, pick two letters from each;
at least 7 from Apply/Extend (A/E) section;
at least 1 question from Create Connections (C) section
5.2 Multiplying and Dividing Radical Expressions (Dec 6/12)
Assigned: Pages 289-293: Practice section #1-11, pick two letters from each;
at least 8 from Apply/Extend (A/E) section;
at least 2 question from Create Connections (C) section
5.3 Solving Radical Equations (Dec 16/18)
Assigned: Pages 300-303: at least 7 from Practice section, pick two letters each;
at least 7 from Apply/Extend (A/E) section;
-> Note 13, 14, 17 a calculator may be used
at least 1 question from Create Connections (C) section
Suggested Review for Radical Expressions and Equations
Assigned: Pages 304-305: 5.1 # 1abc, 2, 3, 4ab, 5, 6; 7ab (calc for 7); 8, 9
5.2 # 10 - 17
5.3 # 18, 19; 21 (calc for 21)
Students should complete the Practice Test as part of their preparation for the Test.
Radical Expressions and Equations Unit Test on January 17
Chapter 4 - Quadratic Equations
Please write section headings "Practice", "Apply/Extend", and "Create Connections" CLEARLY in your HW
4.1 Solving Quadratic Equations by Graphing
(Nov 1-5) Assigned: Pages 215-217: at least 3 from Practice (P) section;
at least 4 from A/E section;
at least 1 question from C/C section
4.2 Solving Quadratic Equations by Factoring
(Nov 7- 13) Assigned: Factoring Worksheet # 1 - 15
Pages 229-233: at least 4 from Practice (P) section;
at least 5 from A/E section;
at least 1 question from C/C section
Solving Quadratic Functions by Factoring Handout A to U
4.3 Solving Quadratic Equations by Completing the Square
(Nov 15-19) Assigned: Pages 240-243: at least 4 from Practice (P) section;
at least 5 from A/E section;
at least 1 question from C/C section
4.4 (Nov21-26) Assigned: Pages 254-257: at least 4 from Practice (P) section;
at least 5 from A/E section;
at least 1 question from C/C section
Solving Quadratic Equation Review
Pages 258-260 # 1bd (use Table Of Values), 3, 4 (use TOV),
5 (use Graphing Calc), 7abc, 8abc, 9c, 11, 13,
14ac, 15ac, 16, 18abc, 19, 21
Students should complete the Practice Test as part of their preparation for the Test.
Quadratic Equations Test - Dec 10
(Graphing Technology Part last 20 minutes of class on Dec 4)
- Must using "DESMOS TEST MODE" app (IPhone only) or GEOGEBRA (Exam mode)
Chapter 3 - Quadratic Functions
Helpful website for Quadratic Functions:
Graphing a Parabola in Standard Form
3.1 Quadratic Functions in Vertex Form (Online Parabola Slider)
(Oct 16-18) Assigned: 3.1 Parts 1&2 : Transformations worksheet # 1 - 17
Pages 159-162 : at least 5 from Practice (P) section (pick one letter);
at least 1 from #10-12 Apply/Extend (A/E) section;
(Oct 22) 3.1 Part 3 : Quadratic Application Practice worksheet # 1 - 6
Pages 159-162 : at least 4 from #13-23 A/E section;
at least 1 question from C/C section;
3.2 Quadratic Functions in Standard Form
(Oct 24-28) Assigned: Pages 174-179 : at least 4 from Practice (P) section;
at least 8 from A/E section;
at least 1 question from C/C section
3.3 Completing the Square
(Oct 30-Nov 1) (Changing Quadratics from St. Form to Vertex Form)
Assigned: Pages 192-197 : at least 4 from Practice (P) section;
at least 8 from A/E section;
at least 1 question from C/C section
Completing the Square Worksheet # 1 - 4
Quadratic Function Review
Suggested: Pages 198-200 # 1, 2, 3, 4bc, 5, 8, 11, 12, 13, 14bd, 15, 16, 17
(Calculator for # 12, 16, 17 only)
Students should complete the Practice Test as part of their preparation for the Test.
Quadratic Functions Test - November 15th
Unit 1 - Chapter 2 - Trigonometry
Sept 5 Day0 - Review of Right Angle Trigonometry from Grade 10
Assigned: Review of Trig Worksheet # 1 - 8
Sept 9 2.1 Angles in Standard Position
Assigned: Pages 83-87 : at least 4 from Practice (P) section;
at least 4 from Apply/Extend (A/E) section;
at least 1 question from Create Connections (C) section
Sept 11 2.2 Trigonometric Ratios of any angle in Standard Position
Assigned: Pages 96-99 : at least 5 from Practice (P) section;
at least 5 from Apply/Extend (A/E)
at least 2 from Create Connections (C) section
Sept 17 2.3 The Sine Law (Part 1)
Assigned: Pages 108-113 : at least 3 from Prac (P) section (not #6-9);
at least 3 from Apply/Extend (A/E) (not # 16, 17, 19, 22)
at least 1 question from CC section (not #28)
Sept 19 2.3 The Sine Law and the Ambiguous Case (Part 2)
Assigned: Pages 108-113 : at least 2 from Prac (P) section # 6-9;
at least 2 from Apply/Extend (A/E) # 16-22 or 28
Some helpful (?!?) videos: Ambiguous1, Ambiguous2,
Sept 24 2.4 The Cosine Law
Assigned: Pages 119-125 : at least 3 from Practice (P) section;
at least 5 from Apply/Extend (A/E) section;
at least 1 question from CC section
Sept 26 Some Trigonometry Review
Assigned: Pages 126-128 # 2-14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 23
Students should complete the Practice Test as part of their preparation for the Test.
Trigonometry Unit Test - Oct 8